The SGM X-Ray transmission sorter is the ideal solution for pre-concentrating  iron and manganese ores by means of a dry process.

The new  proprietary SGM MIMS (Medium Intensity Magnetic Separator) wet drum magnet constitutes a true innovation to fill the gap between the traditional LIMS (Low Intensity Magnetic Separator) and WHIMS (Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separator).
The SGM MIMS can either be used upstream a WHIMS to make the latter significantly more productive or for the concentration of slightly magnetic iron ore particles.

The special and unique element of the SGM MIMS consists in its featuring a very high and homogeneous magnetic field along all its active surface resulting in a superior grip of the weakly magnetic particles of iron ore as well as in a greater capacity per linear width.

Our solutions

Iron Ore Medium Intensity Separator

Medium intensity magnetic separator

X-Ray sorter


Contact Us

  • SGM Magnetics S.p.a.
  • Address: via Leno 2/D - I-25025 Manerbio (BS) - Italy
  • Phone: +39 030 9938400
  • Fax: +39 030 9938404
  • Email:
  • P.Iva: 00561630989 | C.F.: 00436040174
  • Capitale Sociale : Euro 750.000 | Reg. Soc.: Tribunale BS n. 9213
  • C.C.I.A.A.: Brescia 182441 | Meccanografico: BS 029733
  • SGM Group
  • Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Italy
  • China, India, Japan
  • Mexico, USA

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